
Zombie Days

Some days suck. Writing doesn’t flow, thinking doesn’t flow, existing doesn’t flow. Those days are brutal.

Those days are the days you HAVE TO have a win – and when productivity is refusing to be anything but constipated and annoying, you just have to figure out one thing you can do.

Why do I force it?

Because bad days prelude to bad weeks. Bad weeks prelude bad months. If you don’t, at some point, just say “I’m doing this, the end,” then you might never do it again, or by the time you do you’ve wasted so much time you have to scrap what you were doing.

So here I am, post writing a scene when all I wanted to do this morning was go back to bed. I don’t know why I woke up so off…maybe it’s been building – days of not feeling like my writing did anything meaningful, days of feeling like I have so much to do and not enough is getting done. Going to bed without picking up the living room, even though I know starting my day to clutter is like pouring molasses on my brain.

It’s a zombie day.

I’d be happy operating at 10%. To curl up in a blanket, throw on a show, and eat cold leftovers. I can’t though, because I can’t let my day turn into a week.

But the thing about Zombies is…they’re not dead.

I’m not having a casket day.

Zombies are a little bit alive. They’re awake. They show up. They might not get much done, they might eat their kids for having 7,000,000 demands, but they’re not dead.

That doesn’t mean today is going to go great. Likely, it’s going to drag on forever, but tomorrow when I look back on today, I’ll either be where I was, with one fewer day to live, or I’ll have moved forward. Even an inch can make you feel good about yourself.

Here’s the question, if you’re having a rough day: Do you want to wake up tomorrow and think I did nothing yesterday, what’s the point, or do you want to wake up and think I don’t feel as bad as yesterday, and yesterday I was able to ___, so today I can ___ AND ___.

It’s all in the mindset, and it’s all about convincing yourself you’re doing okay.

Until functionally more here, look – I did a blog post, I scripted a scene, I mitigated an apple juice disaster, and I did some laundry. Not too shabby for 9:44 AM, considering in a perfect zombie-world, I’d still be in bed.

Maybe I can even convince myself today isn’t lost.

The world is in your control – do it, or don’t. What you know you are capable of comes after proving capability. Believe in yourself, do something – anything – that propels you forward, and be grateful for the good days.

Life isn’t a race. Being something, reaching goals…none of it is about getting there faster, it’s about getting there at all. If you don’t give up, you’re doing amazing.