• Writing

    On Passion

    So you’ve found passion. Why don’t you feel amazing all the time? Why is it hard? Now what? (if you just want the highlights, scroll to the list at the end) Passion is impatient. It’s relentless, and it’s angry, and it’s excited. Passion is 6 am and my mind is awake, and 12am and my mind won’t shut down. It’s knowing every hour as 0900, 9AM, 12PM at Krissy’s or 1600, 4PM, 7PM. Automatic. It’s sore hands and a mental exhaustion like you can’t imagine. Passion is amazing. I am so blessed to have passion. I am grateful. I am thankful. I begged myself to find passion for years. I…

  • Uncategorized

    First Post

    Hi, my name is Holly. I’m an author and publicist (an indie author for now, but I hope to publish the works of others once I have grown enough). I have loved writing since I was little. My mom used to go to parent teacher conferences and she was told Holly was writing during math again. My first story, that I remember, was called Stinkerella. We had to write our own version of Cinderella, and I had been absent on pick your character day. That was how school often went for me: I didn’t go, I got the worst group or the last choice. In this case, it was the kind of challenge that set me down a…